Why VitalCuore?

Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer attention and care through open communication and personalized care management.

available during the day
Immediate home assistance, when needed.

Accredited, recognized and insured
Our Home Care team is specially trained to provide the highest level of care.

per day
Availability of flexible hours and real-time assistance. We are with you when you need us.
Transitional Care Management
Non c’è una traduzione in Italiano.
Il Transitional Care è l’insieme delle azioni volte a garantire il coordinamento e la continuità delle cure ricevute dal paziente trasferito al proprio domicilio o durante il trasferimento ad altri livelli di cura.
Il nostro team è specializzato nella transizione/continuità delle cure da un contesto di cura (ambulatoriali di base, specialistiche ospedaliere, assistenza primaria, assistenza a lunga degenza, riabilitazione e assistenza domiciliare) a un altro. Ognuno di questi spostamenti, da una specialità ad altra o al domicilio è definito Transitional Care.
VitalCuore con più di 15 anni d'esperienza nel Transitional Care Management, è strutturata nell'esecuzione delle cure intermedie e continuative in struttura/domicilio che sostengano il paziente e familiari riducendo considerabilmente il numero di re-ricoveri.

VIP offer

More than 6 years of experience in serving prestigious families with the highest level of services.
VitalCuore meets an increasingly demanding clientele, attentive to comfort and the smallest details, including safety and discrfection.
We are able to move our staff and all the necessary material wherever our customers require, quickly and invisibly.

New Packages Offer
Closer and closer to our patients
The multidisciplinary approach
for patient recovery
Vitalcuore adopts a multidisciplinary approach of aggregated services. It provides for the patient to be taken care of by the various specialists involved in the therapeutic process, in its entirety and with a single interlocutor. A strategy that allows you to bring the patient to an optimal recovery that can give him back a life as normal as possible, as quickly as possible.
The multidisciplinary approach allows not only to have a global vision of the patient's state of health and therefore of his progress, but also allows for close and continuous collaboration between all the professional figures involved. An important professional interaction that allows the patient's recovery path to be traced and set up.
Our Programs
Diagnostic tests
No more waiting and moving. Vitalcuore offers a series of diagnostic services at home or in the office in 24 hours with reports validated in the first 20 minutes or in the following 24 hours.
Together, to improve your life